Where to buy the best kind of original saffron for export?
Buying original and high quality saffron is one of the most important concerns of original saffron buyers. The high price and high popularity and scarcity of this product has made it possible for consumers to sell fake saffron or add impurities or other additives to the counterfeit products. To buy export quality and economical saffron you need to know about original saffron so you can make the best choice and be satisfied with the quality of your saffron.
With these tips in mind, you can be sure of your purchase and also make sure you have purchased good quality saffron. Here are some things to consider when buying original saffron so you can safely buy it.
Buying and selling original saffron for export
Exporting and selling original saffron is one of the most profitable businesses in the field of exporting food and spices. At present, world-renowned and reputable business companies are exporting saffron to other countries as a non-oil product. Of course, the saffron plant is small in scale but expensive and it is used in a variety of items. Iranian original saffron is one of the most known natural spices in the world that is naturally dark red. This matchless and expensive product on a global scale, because of its unique quality, delicate aroma and pleasant taste, has great coloring power when used for foods. These factors have led to increased demand for saffron exports and imports from other countries. Negin Saffron of Mashhad which has the exporting quality is considered as one of the best types of saffron in Iran and the most popular original saffron in the market. However, because of its high quality, the price of this saffron is higher than other types of saffron and is considered to be the most expensive. By buying top-notch saffron you will not only benefit from its color and aroma, but you should know that each gram of this valuable spice contains 2% carbohydrates, 2% fat, 2% protein and 2% water. In addition, a tablespoon of two grams of saffron will provide 2% of the daily requirement of manganese minerals. Original saffron also contains other micronutrients that can be neglected due to its low consumption in foods.
Major sales of export quality, original saffron
Factors Influencing the Sales and Export of original saffron
Factors affecting the purchase and sale of exported original saffron are somehow related to the process of planting, harvesting and processing of these precious spices. For exporting original saffron to the global markets and sell well, it is necessary to cultivate the plant in the field, harvest in a timely manner and process it using professional staff and advanced machines. Advanced saffron packaging machines in factories accurately weight this precious spice and present it in most beautiful and eye-catching packaging.
Saffron exported to foreign countries needs to receive a standard health certificate from the Food and Drug Administration and must also meet the standards of the importing country in terms of packaging. Companies that are active in the field of saffron export in Iran with a bit of creativity and change in marketing and packaging methods can achieve more success in this field. The purchase price of original saffron also varies depending on whether the saffron is bulk or packaged.
We buy organic and original saffron mainly in two ways. First, we buy from well-known agricultural land. These lands are monitored and inspected for not using pesticides and pesticides. Second, we buy the major saffron by buying high-grade whole saffron, then we clean the flowers with trained forces and we get 2% natural and pure organic saffron at the end. The color, taste and aroma of the exported saffron should be high, and every manufacturer pays particular attention to drying the saffron in addition to the traditional methods and quickly entering the market.
Saffron has different prices depending on its grade and type, which based on their prices are (low price to high price): saffron super Negin, Negin, pseudo Negin, Sargol saffron, long straw saffron, normal straw saffron, bunches of saffron doxtar pich (fastened by girls).
Buying and selling export quality, original saffron
Buying bulk saffron is a risky trade and much attention should be paid. This is due to the counterfeit products that cause irreparable damage to the buyers. Therefore, it is recommended to buy original saffron from reputable stores. You can buy export quality product at high volume from Nayzi.
export quality, original saffron
What are the benefits of buying original saffron online?
Saffron is cultivated in specific parts of the country, therefore getting the desired type of saffron requires a trip to that specific city, online sales of saffron have made it possible for people to buy saffron at the cost of offline shopping or even less. Also, in order to buy export quality saffron, you do not need to go to the branch offices of the companies and spend time to find export quality saffron. Instead, you can read the original saffron shopping tips, order the saffron easily through the site, and have home delivery in a few days. Once a product is purchased through the site, subsequent purchases will be made with greater confidence and no longer there will be concerns about the quality of the product.
When buying original saffron, pay attention to its originality as fake saffron causes diseases. In today’s world, you no longer need to spend time, buy products and order them online without delay.
In the case of saffron online shopping, visit reputable sites, be sure to study the tips of buying saffron and after seeing pictures of the types of original saffron and their packaging, according to your requirement order one or more products. After online payment, home delivery will be after a few days. Our site provides 24- hours support so that customers can get their product without any stress.
Buying and selling original saffron for export
The safest way to buy export quality, original saffron
Buyers of export quality, original saffron who buy kilograms of saffron, the quality and origin of the saffron is of particular importance to them. International Saffron Certificates are also sent to our customers who purchase Saffron. In fact, exported saffron goes to the laboratory and is evaluated according to international standards. At our store, Nayzi a test approval brochure is sent to major buyers of saffron to ensure the quality and authenticity of the saffron.